Saturday, May 31, 2008

Very Excited

I am a huge fan of the amazing television series Scrubs. I always tell people that if I had watched that show when I was in high school then I would probably be in medical school right now and I would handle my bedside manner in the same way as Dr. John Dorian. I own the first six seasons of Scrubs on DVD and completely plan on buying the 7th season when it comes out on DVD. So after hearing this you can imagine how sad I was to hear that NBC was going to end its contract with producer Bill Lawrence and the greatest show to grace a television set. However, I am a frequent reader of Zach Braff's blog online and I have recently seen that ABC has signed a four year contract with Bill Lawrence so that they can air a season 8 of the comedy. I am very excited by this news and can not wait until the new season is produced. I know that many may not feel the same passion as I do about Scrubs or television in general but I would have to say that if you get a chance then you should definitely check it out. It is incredible.