Thursday, May 22, 2008

So lately I have been on a huge tear about church planters and their blogs and everything else. It pretty much all comes from just listening to Nic all the time and him talking about how awesome these guys are but I have started doing my own research and have found that they truly are some amazing men of God. But over Disciple Now weekend Nic showed me this video by Mark Driscoll and it totally blew my mind. I don't know if Nic posted this on his blog and I am sorry if you did buddy but I felt the need to share it on mine. Driscoll basically rips the men for not being there for the church and tells them that they need to step up. The video is about ten minutes long but it is a great video to watch if you have the time. Mark Driscoll took a lot of crap for not talking about the ladies but that isnt the deal here and if you watch the entire video you will see what he is talking about. So here it is.....enjoy!