Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas Break

This break has been NUTS! I have been hanging out with a ton of people and having a great time meeting new people. Life has been going great the past couple of weeks after my mental breakdown from last semester. I don't think that I have ever been as content with everything as I am right now. It just kind of seems like everything is finally falling into place and hoepfully that trend will continue. As it is my nature I am pretty worried about what the future holds but I also look forward to the challenges that are coming up ahead. Whether it be finally graduating from college, getting started in a career, or actually finding that sweet little mama that I am really supposed to be with. I guess I am just writing this blog to say thanks to all of the people that have kept me in their prayers when I was really struggling. I especially wanna thank Nic, Jo, and my Madre for helping me out through all of that crap even though they didn't have to at all. Also I just want to ask that you would continue to pray for me as I keep on truckin ahead. I will be praying for both of you that read this blog and will continue to hope that you are having blessings poured down. 

On a side note...I have made a New Year's Resolution to blog more often so hopefully it won't be too long before my next blog. YA MEAN???? Dueces!