Thursday, July 31, 2008

My Madre

Today my mom took her last test to get her nursing degree. My mom has always been a hard worker. I remember when me and my brothers were growing up she would always work her butt off so that she could provide the best for us and she never failed. She is the greatest woman I know and the perfect inspiration as I go through my life. My mom decided a couple of years ago to start going back to school to get her nursing degree. She started classes and ever since then she has totally dominated every class and test that was put before her. She is completely incredible and I am so happy for her. I am more proud of my Mom for pushing through all of this crap and finishing school. She went to school full-time, worked, and took care of my pain in the butt brothers the whole time she was doing this. I am so happy that she is finally gonna do something that she enjoys and actually be banking for it. I could go on forever about how awesome and great my Mom is but I will shorten this and say this directly to her (even though I know I am gonna get a lot of crap and hear a lot of "mom" jokes because I hang out with people who don't know how to grow up (Nic!)).

Mom, words can't describe how awesome you are and how much you have impacted my life. I am so proud of you and I hope that you have a great time finding that high paying job that will help to pay for all the student loans I have taken out. I LOVE YOU!!!


Pam said...

You know you had me crying till the "student loans" part....sheesh...I know what that means, I will have to go back and get my RN, lol. But it's all good, and you make me sound way better than I am but I know it's cause you love me and I love you, more than I can ever have words to express! Thanks for putting up with me, I know I can be a pain, I know 'cause I've seen me be one! ;-) God has given me so many blessings~but you are, by far, one of the best!!! I thank Him for you everyday!