Saturday, June 14, 2008

Great Quotes

You must be the change you want to see in the world.
-Mahatma Gandhi

Lately I have been reading up some on the historic figures of the world. When I say lately I actually mean today. It's not because I want to be insightful and seem smart to other people either because I think I lost that opportunity a long time ago. But I did pick up the Shane Claiborne book "The Irresistible Revolution" while in Hastings earlier tonight. I have also been lucky enough to actually go and hear Shane Claiborne speak and for those of you that have no idea who Shane Claiborne is then you should Google him right now because he will turn you upside down. His way of living is totally bizarre but is exactly the way that I wish I could be. I unfortunately am not ready to give up all the "things" in my life such as he has. Anyways Shane Claiborne has gotten me interested in historical figures (Gandhi, Mother Teresea, etc.). So I was ready about Gandhi and I found this quote by him. And if this doesn't speak volumes to all the Christ Followers out there then let's be just aren't passionate about the Savior. So many times we think that we can just sit back as Christians and let the Billy Grahams, Shane Claibornes, Tony Campolos, and the Shirley Phelps-Ropers (that one is a joke...haha) of the world spread the news of the Creator and we can just complain about how the world is going to hell and we just cant believe that this is happening. Well its time that we all got off of our butts and actually did something because the world will only change when all Christians decide that we are passionate about the one that saved us. Anyways...I didn't mean to try and get all preachy about this stuff because that certainly is not my gift but some things just get you fired up and that was it for me. I would like to leave you with another quote from Gandhi just to get you guys thinking.

I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.
- Mahatma Gandhi