Monday, July 28, 2008


Last night J-Mob, Jenna, and I made the trip to Austin to visit Austin Stone Community Church again. So we made the trip and got there a little early and listened to Spur58 rock a new song that we had not heard yet. It is called "Healer" and the message behind the lyrics are absolutely incredible. Stone is doing a series right now called "Money Matters." I am not normally a guy that likes to hear a message on tithing. I would rather hear that one story in the Bible about that one guy dying on the cross for my sins but last night since we had drove 30 miles to go to this service we didn't really wanna get up and leave. Now, I don't want you to think that I leave every time some preacher talks about money. I simply do not like to hear talks about money because I don't have any. Anyways, we sat through the sermon and I instantly felt conviction from God about this message. I don't want to go in to detail about the sermon because I have been trying to shorten my posts so I will provide the link so that you can go and listen to the sermon yourself. Click right HERE. So today we headed into the office and we were sitting around and we were messing around on our computers. Lately I have been fascinated with Perry Noble and the things that his church, New Spring, has been doing. So I check Perry Noble's blog quite often and came across this incredible story. It is pretty obvious that God has been calling me to not only start giving more of my time to Him but it is also time to start honoring my Father with my finances as well. Often I start thinking that because I give up a summer to come and work for free (or pretty much for free) that I have been giving 100% to God. That is bullcrap. God has opened my eyes to tell me that I have been doing nothing with my finances and in that I am dishonoring God by holding back what is His. Hopefully you guys will go check out some of the sites that I have linked for you in this post and if you haven't been obeying God's command with your money as well then I hope that you are convicted. Just a few thoughts for you.


Johanna said...

I had read that blog earlier today. It will preach. Seems like God is trying to speak to you and I know that you will listen...because you are a faithful child. Love ya.

Anonymous said...

this looks stupid
